Listening to the Rain

“Nobody started it, nobody is going to stop it. It will talk as long as it wants, this rain. As long as it talks I am going to listen.” ~Thomas Merton

Rain drops fall upon the hard ground. The street lamps light up the bubbles forming on the street as I peddle home. My jeans become a large sponge as my gortex parka keeps my torso warm and relatively dry.  The quiet, calm of night during a rain storm; embracing it and being in it is to be alive and fully part of the world.  Riding or walking home in the rain on a cold dark night can be one of the most humbling peaceful experiences. The world quiets while it pours down this silence and life giving blood to Mother Earth. This rejuvenation of life comes and also brings re-creation for us too. Time for a bit of quiet contemplation, introspection and listening. 

The hustle and bustle of our days is calmed to a contemplative pace. The gray meditative type of day welcomes reflective thought and being.  Listening. Being. To just allow myself to be with the world and it’s natural ebb and flow is to be at peace. Given the gift of rainy calm days, is wonderful and for them I am filled with gratitude.  Snuggled on the couch with a cup of hot tea, a good book, journal and no place to have to be or go is such a precious opportunity.  Having the time to read and think and listen… bliss.  
